Funder: The European Union – NextGenerationEU and is part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism within the framework of European funds.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Budget: Total value of the project is 499,549.42 euros, and the value of EU funding is 299,729.63 euros.
The AgriTrace platform for generation and management of green value chains is the first solution on the market that will address the control and management of the entire product life cycle, and not just the supply chain. It will enable transparent capture, monitoring and reporting of environmental (and social) impacts in all processes along the value chain. The AgriTrace platform will be based on the latest technology, like cloud processing, blockchain and smart contracts, Internet of Things – and techniques to adapt to the number of processes and stakeholders in the chain, allowing it to be used for a wide range of use cases in different industries.
Platforma AgriTrace za generiranje in upravljanje zelenih vrednostnih verig
Platforma AgriTrace za generiranje in upravljanje zelenih vrednostnih verig je prva rešitev na trgu, ki bo naslovila nadzor in upravljanje celotnega življenjskega cikla produktov, in ne zgolj dobavne verige. Omogočala bo transparenten zajem, spremljanje ter poročanje okoljskih (in socialnih) vplivov v vseh procesih vzdolž verige vrednosti. Platforma AgriTrace bo temeljila na najnovejši tehnologiji – procesiranje na robu, v megli in v oblaku, blockchain in pametne pogodbe, Internet stvari – in tehnikah za prilagajanje številu procesov in deležnikov v verigi, kar bo omogočalo njeno uporabo za širok spekter uporabniških primerov v različnih industrijah.