Wir erledigen die Arbeit.

Mittlerweile haben wir dies bei über 100 Projekten in mehr als 40 Ländern in Europa, Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika getan.


DECIDE – Digital Services for Circular Economy – a Toolbox for Regional Developers & SME

SYMBIO –  Shaping symbiosis in bio-based industrial ecosystems based on circular by-design supply chains

Enhancing Brewery Operations with New Digital Tools: The HIGHFIVE Project

Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains in Uzbekistan

Ventures Thrive Programme

Support for Economic Reforms and Sustainable Economic Development in Regions of Uzbekistan

INNOBIOVC – Innovation Express for Circular Bioeconomy Value Chains

<em>Mobility Platform Development in Tunisia</em>

<strong>AgriTrace platform for generating and managing green value chains</strong>

Improving Egyptian industrial innovation system

Enabling sustainable development in Kosovo as a potential for job creation and SME empowerment


EU Horizon CEE2ACT

Digitalization of sales channels for promotion on the European and East African markets

E-business to support the creation of sustainable and transparent value chains between Europe and Africa

Developing circular economy in Rwanda as a potential for job creation

Enhancing transparency and sustainability of coffee value chains in Honduras

Enhancing transparency and sustainability of coffee value chains in Rwanda (Part 2)

Enhancing transparency and sustainability of coffee value chains in Rwanda (Part 1)

EU Interreg GoDanubio

Accelerating Sierra Leone’s circular economy of plastics

EU Interreg ARDIA-Net

Founding a moringa cluster in Uganda

EU Interreg AlpLinkBioEco


Setting mechanisms for moringa production in Uganda

EU Interreg DanuBioValNet

EU Interreg S3-4AlpClusters

EUSALP Transalp

Achieving circularity of plastics in Ivory Coast

EASTRIP, developing educational programs in East Africa

Founding a Syrian-Armenian Center of Excellence (SAIZ)

Olive oil, medicinal and aromatic plants‘ value chain analysis in Tunisia

Construction and tourism value chain analysis in Tajikistan

Analysing fruit and vegetable value chains in Albania

Accelerating internationalisation of Estonian SMEs

INSPIRED, empowering SMEs in Bangladesh

EU Interreg Clusterix 2.0

Bridge to Boston: cross-Atlantic value chains in medical technology clusters

Poly4emI, developing innovation policies for biopolymer industry

Private sector development in Egypt

Global Biopolymer Network (GBN)

Improving innovation and competitiveness in Mauritius

Establishing a biopolymer Center of Excellence at JKUAT

Analysing horticulture products‘ value chains in Azerbaijan

Assessing agribusiness value chains in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Center of Excellence PoliMat

iCon, improving competitiveness of Slovenian and Italian companies

CluStrat, improving cluster competitiveness in Central Europe

Developing national cluster policy and sustainability in Turkey

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