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Olive oil, medicinal and aromatic plants‘ value chain analysis in Tunisia

This value chain analysis was part of the analytical work program, aiming to increase employment and improve competitiveness in Tunisia.

This assignment was part of the analytical work program, aiming to increase employment and improve competitiveness in Tunisia. We conducted a value chain and employment study, focusing on the North-West region in Tunisia. The value chain and employment study enabled a thorough understanding of the targeted value chains while also quantifying the nature of jobs and skills requirements along the targeted value chains, as well as the network of relationships across the chain, the opportunities and challenges companies are facing, and their strategic responses. The project generated a full mapping of all critical components of the olive oil’s and medicinal and aromatic plants’ value chain. It provided a sampling strategy that ensures relevant, robust, and representative data collection. Qualitative and quantitative surveys were conducted.

Client: The World Bank Group

Date: 2017 – 2018

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