Identifying barriers and constraints that prevent the value chains of selected fruit and vegetable products from being more competitive in the international market.
The primary objective of the project was to conduct a competitiveness assessment for the fruit and vegetable value chains in Albania. The assignment encompassed a rapid analysis of the fruit and vegetable value chains along with the identification of three priority products, a detailed industry level competitive analysis of selected value chains and selection of the most competitive products. The main goal was to identify main barriers and constraints that prevent the value chains of selected products from being more competitive in the international market. This was followed by recommendations to overcome said barriers and constraints. The assignment consisted of desk research and mobilization of a range of sources. These include export and industrial statistics, market trend analysis, benchmarking to selected comparator countries, best practices and expert opinions. Additionally, the work involved qualitative individual interviews and focus groups.
Client: The World Bank Group
Date: 2017
Project’s final publication