The project formed part of the IFC’s Bosnia Investment Climate Project and its objective was to contribute to the competitiveness of most promising agribusiness value chains (fruits & vegetables, meat, dairy).
The project contributed to the overall objective of the Bosnia Investment Climate Project, implemented by the IFC. The main goal was to increase the competitiveness of Bosnia and Herzegovina by assisting the authorities at all four levels in the country to reduce the administrative burden for business, increase exports in key export sectors, attract more FDI, and finally, to achieve investment climate reform and assure Bosnia and Herzegovina a successful process for joining the EU. The overall objective was to improve competitiveness of the three most promising agribusiness value chains (fruits & vegetables, meat and dairy) and entities by assessing their present competitiveness and determining the main barriers and constraints which prevent those agribusiness sectors from being more competitive in the international market.
Services provided:
- Rapid analysis of the agribusiness sector as a whole in order to validate the selection of the three priority agribusiness value chains – fruits & vegetables, meat and dairy – as the most competitive agribusiness sectors.
- Initial Sector Competitiveness Appraisal and Comparison in order to identify latent competitive advantages that can be turned into a manifest competitive advantage.
- Detailed industry-level competitive analysis in order to:
- assess the performance gaps and potential throughout the VC for each of the priority sectors
- identify policy and regulatory constraints determining the performance gaps and prevent each value chain from reaching its full potential in terms of productivity increases, exports, investments and job creation.
- Ranking the constraints within value chains
- Identifying the value chains with strongest competitiveness potential in both entities and in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole.
- Detailed assessment of the three value chains and recommendations for specific actions for the most competitive value chain per entity.
Client: The World Bank Group, IFC
Date: 2012 – 2013
Project’s final publication: