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Analysing horticulture products’ value chains in Azerbaijan

As part of the IFC’s Azerbaijan Investment Climate Project, the project aimed to improve the business and investment environment in Azerbaijan’s high potential agribusiness sub-sectors.

The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the improvement of the business and investment environment in Azerbaijan’s high potential agribusiness sub-sectors in a manner that enhances development, competitiveness, employment and business opportunities in these sub-sectors. The approach involved  assessing present performance and revealing key binding constraints present along the value chains that prevent growth and further development of these sub-sectors. The project contributed to the overall objectives of the Azerbaijan Investment Climate Project (AZIC II), which broadly aims at supporting the diversification of the Azerbaijan economy and improvement of the regulatory framework, focusing on areas of strategic importance for both the government and the private sector.

Services provided:

  • Rapid analysis of the horticultural sector in Azerbaijan in order to assess the horticulture products or product groups and select two to three high-potential ones for a detailed exploration in the following stages of the project. Pomegranate, tomato and hazelnuts have been selected as the most promising products.
  • Value chain analysis of selected products: the main objective was to assess how well pomegranate, tomato and hazelnuts value chains perform in order to identify segments and activities where poor performance or inefficiencies severely undermine the competitiveness of the entire value chain.
  • Identification of key binding constraints, ranking the constraints and in-depth analysis of the binding constraints.
  • Recommendations for specific actions (first and high priority actions for short and mid-term period) to remove the identified binding (sector-specific) obstacles and enhance the value chains’ ability to improve performance, productivity and investment.

Client: The World Bank Group, IFC

Date: 2013 -2014

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